Invest In You

Invest In You
We will focus on YOU and only YOU!
Our programme is a combination of online modules and workbooks along with an interactive forum led by our programme creator Donna Reilly, Director of Donna Reilly People & Wellness.
The programme begins by asking you a series of questions to truly self-reflect on your life right now. We go deep and encourage you to create goals and an area of focus for the programme.
Over the course of eight modules you will learn about you and create a solid wellbeing plan which will create immediate and future wellbeing success.
Does any of this sound familiar?

This programme is for busy women. Women who are juggling work (be that full time, part
time, self-employment) and their home lives. They are managing multiple priorities which may include work priorities, caring for
parents, raising their kids, contributing to the community, investing in their friendships.

It’s for women who are passionate about their career and want to grow and invest in their
career but are also equally wanting to prioritise their home life. They have caring
responsibilities, that might mean she is a Mam, cares for her parents, partners, dog etc.

Sometimes they feel they are not doing a great job in any area of their life – am I doing enough in work, am I a good parent, do I see my parents enough, am I a good friend….
This woman has aspirations for it to grow beyond her current role but doesn’t feel she has the time or bandwidth to do this.

She is juggling multiple responsibilities and priorities, she is tired and potentially overwhelmed and facing burnout. She is stretched due to her career and her caring responsibilities. She doesn't put herself first, she is always doing things for others and
prioritising their needs over her own.
She's not great at self-care and feels guilty that she's not focusing on this.
What Problem Do We Fix?
Do you feel stressed, overwhelmed, facing burnout? Do you feel like you are being pulled in
every direction and that most of your time is given to others? Would you like to create
space and time in your life that is just for you?
Then it’s time to ‘Invest in You’!
This programme is for you.
This programme offers time for you which you can take whenever you want as it's pre-
recorded. You can listen to it on your commute, in bed, going for a walk, putting away the
clothes! It's short (30-40 min videos) so won't take too much time from your day. The
programme will give you tips, tools and techniques that you can begin to implement into
your life immediately.

Hi, I'm Donna
I'm so happy to have you here.
I am passionate about mental health and wellness coaching, and wellness programme development. As a wellness coach, workshop facilitator and wellness consultant, we offer a range of services to help individuals develop tools and techniques to manage their mental health and wellbeing and develop actions to lead a happy and fulfilled life and career.
As a qualified Mental Health and Wellness coach, I am passionate about wellness and understand the positive effects an investment in your own wellness and mental health can have.
I have built this course to help as many women as possible - I truly believe you will learn so many valuable and actionable items in this programme.

The Modules
Module One
Understand Your Mindset
This module builds your self-awareness. We need to know ourselves before we embark on our wellbeing journey. This module explores how we prefer to think - our mindset preference.
Module Two
Understand Your Behaviour
This module continues to build and deepen your level of self-awareness, leading on from module one. This module explores how we prefer to act - our behaviour preference. We will be able to link module one and two to allow us to dive deep into ourselves and develop an insight into how we think which will essentially help us to determine our wellbeing goals and actions.
Module Three
Kickstart Your Wellbeing Plan
Now that we've deepened your awareness in the first two modules, it's time to focus on your wellbeing. Do you ever want to invest in your wellbeing but don't know where to start? This module is the starting point! We will start high level, exploring all areas of wellbeing and then delve deeper and focus on you - on your own wellbeing plan. We will create specific goals and actions and will refer back to these and expand these over the course of the next 5 modules.
Module Four
Create Balance & Boundaries
Do you crave more balance in your life and in particular, more time for you? This module explores work life balance (no matter what you define as work). We go inwards and examine your current work life balance - what does it look like? Are you happy with it? What changes do you want to make? We then focus on the future by creating your ideal work life balance and look at steps you can take to embed this. Most importantly, this includes creating space and time in your week for you and only you.
Module Five
Supercharge Your Self-Care
Now that you have a clear view of your ideal work life balance and most importantly, have created space and time for you in your week, the next stage is to focus on what we will do with this time for you. We will reflect on your mindset and behaviour preferences from module 1 and 2 and also your wellbeing plan from module 3. We will explore self-care and what this means for you. By introducing you to different forms of self-care, you will begin to create your own self-care routine - what activities will work for you, at what times, with whom? We will create steps to ensure you can embed your self-care routine for the long
Module Six
Mental Health Awareness
No matter how much we invest in our wellbeing and how content we feel, feelings of overwhelm, stress, and burnout can creep in and can negatively impact our mental health and overall wellbeing. This module will help you to understand your mental health. We will also focus on you, encouraging you to look inwards and recognise some of the early warning signs of a change in our behaviour, body, or mind and overall mental health.
Module Seven
Build Your Positive Mental Health
Now that we know and understand some of the early warning signs of a change in our mental health, this module will focus on building our positive mental health. We will introduce a range of ways to boost mental health and encourage you to create your own toolkit which can include learning how to ask for help when needed and insights, tools, and tips to take ownership of our mental health and find ways to promote and build as we move forward.
Module Eight
Increase Your Resilience
Now that you've put so much time and effort into you, your wellbeing and your wellbeing plan, this module focuses on resilience - building your resilience to overcome setbacks, challenges to maintain and embed your wellbeing plan and journey. We focus on you - your current levels of resilience and offer ways to increase this for overall long term wellbeing success.